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Sleep Disorders In Children Specialist

Dallas Sleep

Snoring & Sleep Apnea Specialists & Sleep Center located in Plano, TX & McKinney, TX

Sleep problems affect people of all ages, including children. At Dallas Sleep in Plano and McKinney, Texas, Raj Kakar, MD, and the team specialize in sleep disorders in children. They provide high-quality, age-appropriate evaluations and effective treatments for children struggling with sleep problems. Find out more about sleep disorders in children by calling the office or scheduling a consultation online today.

Sleep Disorders in Children Q & A

What are sleep disorders in children?

Sleep disorders in children include various sleep problems affecting young people. Many of the same sleep disorders commonly diagnosed in adults also affect children, including:

Obstructive sleep apnea

If your child snores while they sleep, they may have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea affects children and may lead to other problems like delays in growth and development or a learning disorder.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in children differ from symptoms in adults. Children with this type of sleep disorder may be hyperactive, irritable, or have difficulty focusing. 


Many children have a hard time sleeping through the night. Insomnia in children usually develops from an underlying problem such as social stress or a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. 

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome causes an uncontrollable urge to move the legs to relieve discomfort. This sleep disorder may prevent or delay the onset of sleep or disturb sleep during the night. 

Iron deficiency anemia may cause restless legs syndrome. 

More than two-thirds of children in the United States experience sleep problems at least a few nights a week. Unfortunately, these sleep problems may go unrecognized because children are less likely to complain. 

How are sleep disorders in children diagnosed?

Dr. Kakar and the team at Dallas Sleep conduct comprehensive evaluations when you bring your child in with worries about a sleep disorder. During your visit, Dr. Kakar reviews your child’s medical history and asks detailed questions about your concerns.

Your doctor reviews your child’s sleep routine and performs a physical exam. He may also run lab work to rule out a medical condition that might explain your child’s sleep problems. 

If the team suspects obstructive sleep apnea, they may recommend a sleep study evaluation for the common sleep disorder. Note: Home sleep testing is not approved for use in children.

How are sleep disorders in children treated?

The Dallas Sleep team creates a personalized treatment for your child’s sleep disorder based on their diagnosis and related symptoms. They work closely with you to develop an effective plan that improves your child’s sleep and overall health.

Treatment may include:

  • Change in sleep position
  • Healthy bedtime routine
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy 
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

Sleep disorders in children are more common than you might think and could explain your child’s hyperactivity or irritability. To schedule a consultation with the experts in childhood sleep disorders, call Dallas Sleep or book online today.