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Sleep Lab FAQ


What time does the sleep study end?

Your sleep study will usually end around 5:30-6:30 AM. If you wake up earlier than that and you are unable to fall asleep again, you may be able to terminate your study a little earlier. Unless arrangements are made in advance, we are unable to accommodate patients sleeping later than 6:30 AM because our overnight sleep technicians have to finish up their work and go home to get some sleep, too.

Do I need to bring anything for my sleep study?

We recommend you bring any medications that you regularly take at night, as well as those medications that you might need to take during the night. You will probably want to bring your toiletries for your overnight stay. We recommend you bring your pajamas with you or you can wear them to your appointment. A nightgown, shorts and T-shirt, or two piece pajama set is recommended. Sorry, but we cannot accommodate birthday suits!

Do I take my regular medications?

Yes, please take all of your regular medications the day and night of your sleep study. If you normally take a sleep aid medication, either OTC or prescription, you are advised to bring this medication with you on the night of your sleep study. However, please do NOT take any sleep aid medication before you are in bed for the sleep study. If you occasionally or regularly use a sleep aid medication at home, then we recommend you take it on the night of your sleep study, because the more you sleep during your study, the more information we will have. We also provide a prescription sleep aid on the night of your sleep study if you feel you will have difficulty sleeping in a different environment. The sleep aid we provide does not affect the results of your sleep study in any significant way, other than allowing you to get more sleep time. Please know that taking a sleep aid medication during your study is completely optional, and it’s your choice.

What should I avoid the day of my sleep study?

One exception to taking your regular medications is if you normally take a stimulant medication, such as Nuvigil or Adderall, we recommend you avoid taking these medications the day of your sleep study. You should also avoid caffeine consumption after 12:00 noon on the day of your sleep study.

Can I bring my own pillow?

Yes, you may bring your own pillow if you feel it will help you to sleep. However, we normally provide pillows and blankets during your stay.

What if I need to go to the bathroom during the study?

That is not a problem at all. One of our sleep technicians will assist you in disconnecting from the recording device, and you will be able to go the bathroom with a portable connection device. This allows you to keep all of your monitoring sensors on, without having to remove all the sensors every time you go to the bathroom. The sensors stay on, and you can easily get reconnected in just one minute when you get back to bed! We have had many patients who get up several times to go the bathroom during the night, and we can easily accommodate that.

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