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Equipment & Resupply


Providing Therapeutic Sleep Products and Supplies

Dallas Sleep is proud to offer DME equipment, products, and supplies from reputable sleep industry vendors, including ResMed, Philips Respironics, and Fisher Paykel. We carry only the latest and best products and supplies for all of your sleep needs. Our mantra is we only offer our clients the highest quality products that have been experientially shown to be beneficial, through positive client reviews.

Dallas Sleep offers a full line of Sleep Products and Supplies, including:

  • CPAP devices
  • Bilevel PAP devices
  • Special extra-small travel CPAPs
  • EZ Travel Suitcase (to consolidate your carry-on, including your CPAP device)
  • All mask types, including nasal pillows, nasal, and full-face masks
  • Humidifier chambers
  • Filters
  • PAP tubing (hose)
  • CPAP pillows
  • REMZZZ’s mask liners (to reduce mask air leaks)
  • Gecko nasal pads
  • CPAP mask wipes
  • MyTAP dental appliance (for treatment of snoring and mild sleep apnea)

Products and supplies may be ordered by emailing us directly at, you will receive a response by the next business day.

So I have had a sleep study that confirmed sleep apnea, and now I am ready to start CPAP treatment. What happens next?

We need to schedule a CPAP study to determine what mask and air pressures are right for you. Once we have reviewed the study and if your results with CPAP treatment were good, then we will send the prescription for your CPAP equipment to a Durable Medical Equipment (DME) company.

What is a CPAP study?

A CPAP study is an overnight study performed in our sleep lab to determine the best mask style and size and the best air pressures to successfully treat your sleep apnea.

After my CPAP study, do I come in again to go over my results?

Generally, we will not have you come in for a follow-up visit to review your CPAP study results, since this is a treatment study. Typically, one of our staff members will call you and provide a brief summary of your response to treatment. We will also give you further details about obtaining your CPAP equipment at that time. If you still prefer to review your treatment study results with one of our providers, you are welcome to schedule an office visit at any time. 

When will I receive my CPAP?

Generally, you should expect to receive your CPAP equipment about 1-2 weeks after your CPAP study. If you do not receive your equipment after 2 weeks of your study, please notify our office.

When will my next appointment be?

You will follow up in our clinic about 4-6 weeks after your CPAP study. This allows us to see how you are doing after one month on CPAP treatment. Please be sure to bring your CPAP device and mask with you for this follow up appointment, as we may need to make adjustments to the pressure settings and/or your mask fit. In addition, we will be assessing your CPAP smartcard data to ensure your sleep apnea is being optimally treated, and we will review these results with you.

What do I do if I’m having trouble tolerating my mask or the air pressures?

Our goal is to get you comfortable with CPAP treatment, so your sleep apnea is successfully treated and you get the best results with treatment. If you are having difficulty with mask fit or the air pressures, we encourage you to come into our office to visit with our expert sleep technicians and mask fit experts. We recommend you call before stopping by, to make sure a technician is available. Please be sure to bring your CPAP device and mask with you when visiting our expert sleep technicians.

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