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Home of the 5-Step Program for Snoring & Sleep Apnea™! 

  1. Evaluation – We get background history and discuss the problem
  2. Testing – We perform some form of testing to confirm the diagnosis
  3. Choose Your Treatment – Treatment options are presented
  4. Start Treatment – You start treatment, even before completing the 5 Steps!
  5. Follow up on Results – We provide follow up to ensure you’re getting results!


Almost everyone is likely to snore at one time or another. It has been found in all age groups. Estimates of snoring vary widely based on how it is defined. The rate of snoring in children is reported to be 10% to 12%. Habitual snoring has been found in about 24% of adult women and 40% of adult men. Both men and women are more likely to snore as they age. Men, however, become less likely to snore after the age of 70. Snoring is more common in people who are overweight. There is a greater amount of fat in the back of the throat that vibrates as they sleep. Nasal obstruction raises the risk of snoring. It has also been shown to increase during pregnancy. Snoring appears to run in families.

Snoring is a warning noise produced by the force of air through a narrowed upper airway, caused by the collapse of soft tissue in the back of the throat. It is an indication that there is a problem with normal breathing. That's why it's very important to be properly evaluated by a sleep specialist for underlying obstructive sleep apnea, since snoring acts as a warning sign. Some treatments may resolve the snoring alone, but they fail to treat the sleep apnea which is associated with significant health risks.

People who snore have a higher rate of heart disease, which is a leading cause of death in the U.S. Snoring can also be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA raises your risk of having heart problems.

Snoring can cause headaches, difficulty in concentration, fatigue and reduced work performance. The effects of snoring can also annoy one's bed partner, whose sleep quality may also be adversely affected.


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